Nazarét, Rio Chico, Darién, Panama

The community of Nazarét comprises some 60 homes and around 300 people of indigenous Emberá lineage. It is located on the Chico River of the Darién province.

Solea recently completed a water system which delivers spring water via photovoltaic pumping and gravity distribution to every home from a central storage tank. Nazarét carried a high level of contribution and community organization throughout the project. The community is eager to explore the possibility of constructing a local, independent electrical grid to supply their energy needs, which are currently being poorly met through the sporadic and inefficient use of small gasoline generators. A sustainable solution must consider the unique socioeconomic context and apply sound business principles and thorough engineering analysis in several disciplines.


Population: 300

Project Costs: $30,000

Project Funding: Rotary international


Project Details

phase 1

Our project in Nazareth is currently in Phase 1 of assessing the community’s needs and rendering designs. Our team is working on designing a renewable energy mini-grid water system to deliver spring waters to households.


Field Notes
