Nuevo Belén, Tupiza River, Panama

Nuevo Belén is a community of approximately 195 persons of Wounaan lineage in 35 dwellings on the Tupiza River in the Darién province of Panama. The community had a small, manually operated well that ceased functioning about 16 years ago. They have since carried water from the river for all their domestic needs, which they currently claim to treat with chlorine for direct consumption. The school has a rainwater catchment system. The community recently received a project of pit latrines from Deco-Darién. Still, they were very receptive to the presentation on composting latrines and readily chose three recipient families for the proposed model latrines. Along with the design of the hand auger water system, Solea will support the community in constructing composting latrines.

The community has a history of failing water systems and presents an immediate need for action. Through the generosity of donors, Solea believes Nuevo Belén will achieve a sustainable water solution.


Project Costs: $15,000

Project: Hand Auger Water System Installation

Status: Latter Day Saints CHarities



phase 1

In 2022, the needs assessment was conducted by Alan Foster to determine the infrastructure and budget needed for Nuevo Belen’s project. Once this was completed, the plans were drawn out according to this drone image of the community. A complete water system design and model latrines will be presented to the community.