Pulida, Darién, Panama

Pulida is an indigenous Embera community of 300 people residing in approximately 60 households on the Tupisa River. The community has never had a formal water project implemented in their community. They currently obtain water by walking to and from the nearby river to fill buckets or other containers with contaminated water.

There is no usable water tank in Pulida, so we will need to purchase new tanks for water storage in this community. There is already a site for the well, which our team has confirmed will provide enough water to satisfy the community's water demand. We will be digging a gallery-infiltration well along the historic riverbank of the community. This method has proven successful in numerous projects conducted by Solea Water, including a previous Global Grant completed in 2021.

During an open meeting with the Pulida community, many residents and community leaders expressed that access to clean water was currently one of the highest priority needs for their community. They are eager for us to work with them, and it was agreed in writing that the community would contribute the necessary labor for implementation free of charge and a monetary portion of the project cost.

Population: 300

Project: Gallery-infiltration well

Project Funding: Rotary international

Pulida is located in the Embera-Wounaan Comarca in the Eastern Panama province of Darien. Visit our project map to view Pulida and other communities Solea is helping!


Project Details

phase 1

The Solea Water field team, led by Engineer and Panama Country Director Alan Foster, visited the community of Pulida in September of 2021 and conducted a community assessment.

During Solea’s initial visit to Pulida, the team surveyed the community looking for any existing infrastructure that we could possibly use for the water project. There was no existing water infrastructure in good enough condition to use for the project or repair/refurbish.

Solea Water’s field team is preparing for the project’s next phase: the construction and implementation of the designed water system.